
last night after work i drove home…

to a small town in a battleground state…

but my smalll town isnt like most small towns in america…

it doesnt worry about the things most small towns in america worry about…the plant closing, or the price of groceries rising, or how much it costs to fill up the car this week… no my small town…isnt like most

its subsidized

its really a village supported almost entirely by rich folks (realllly reallly rich folks like Rockefeller and Getty rich folks) who like the

“idea” of a small town ….

the idea of change…not so much….

the rich are different… take it from me… i know…

i also know that

if you look realllly hard…and trust me you have to look hard… under the perfectly aged patina, past that perfectly “distressed in just the right way” veneer…you can find small town america in my little village…

its in the faces of the cooks, the grooms, the housekeepers, the farriers, and the stone masons that keep those stone walls straight and just so…

so yeah my neighbors subsidize a gourmet organic butcher shop, and a  more expensive than whole foods type small grocer… and tonight they cross their fingers cause the mood is slightly downcast and as a cold drizzle falls…the rich sip french onion soup in front of a cozy fire, in an ancient hearth, that is kept burning by a giddy young boy with curly dark hair, smiling eyes and…

the knowledge that one day…he reallly could be president…

sooo today i voted for you william… –best fire stoker in the state– now you be careful, watch out for the sparks, do your homework, and dont stay up too late…ill be back soon and i have a feeling that we might have something to high five about 😉
